The only Opticians in Kensington to offer IPL for Dry Eyes
What is Dry Eye Disease?
The Dry Eye Disease (DED) is a disorder of the tear film due to a reduce production or excessive evaporation of tears, which causes damage to the exposed ocular surface, and is associated which a feeling of eye discomfort. Over 85% of DED cases is caused by Meibomian Glands Dysfunction (MGD). This occurs due to either the obstruction or malfunction of the Meibomian glands located in the eyelids, responsible for producing the lipid layer of the tears, resulting in excessive tear evaporation. Insufficient or absent lipid layer can cause evaporation of the tear up to 16 times faster.
What are the symptoms of Dry Eyes?
- Altered changed vision
- Itching
- Burning
- Foreign Body Sensation
- Discomfort/Gritty feeling
- Eye Redness